
name: Zen
likes: His bike, Blowing shit up, Pizza
dislikes: Bad television, Ugly girls, Pacifism
good at: Blowing shit up, Greek mythology
Zen is the tough, sort of stupid main character in zendo crescendo. He'll beat up anything that tries to hurt him and usually succeeds in the matter. Zen also doesn't like pacifists, as he says it's impossible not to fight in this world, and saying you'll never fight is just a bald-faced lie. Though dense, he's pretty loyal to his friends and if they ever needed his help he wouldn't be afraid to volunteer it. Even if they don't need his help... Currently Zen is on a quest to find his keys for his bike, in what ever round-a-bout way it takes.

name: Biggs
likes: Destroying evil, Demetria, Ancient weaponry
dislikes: People beating him at anything
good at: Getting his ass kicked at almost everything
Biggs was once a small carefree boy that lived in a quiet rural village. When the village was destroyed by evil forces, he was orphaned. He vowed he would destroy the evil that took his family and friends and has since been roaming the land, destroying... evil. When he came upon Demetria's Tower, he was sure it would be an easy victory. But Demetria proved far too powerful for Biggs, and put him under her control. She changed him so that he would be even more powerful than his normal form. Biggs has been Demetria's slave for almost 6 years.

name: Jerry
likes: Sushi, Good books, Adventure
dislikes: Monsters, Death, Intimidating women
good at: Running away, Stealing from innocent people
Jerry is just your average shopkeep guy. He didn't do anything to hurt anyone. Jerry started working at the magic place about a year ago and the manager still hasn't promoted him or anything. Considering Jerry is one of only two employees, that sucks. He really wants to get out and find adventure, but he's too much of a coward to actually do it. So he's stuck at his counter. Until he meets Zen...

name: Sid
likes: Peace, Video games, Bette Midler reruns
dislikes: War, Gambling, Unintelligent morons
good at: The subtle art that is Fung Shui, Fighting (though he doesn't like to admit it)
At first glance Sid may appear to be a regular bad-ass. But he isn't. He's actually sort of the opposite, and if you ever told him he looked like a bad-ass he'd probably take it as an insult. Sid is sort of reluctant about joining Zen, as was Zen about Sid joining him. Also, Sid won't fight unless he's provoked, but when he does, look out as the sky is likely to come crashing down upon you.

Mega Man X and all its sprites were created by Capcom, a very fine company that certainly wouldn't be petty enough to sue the likes of me because they're so very nice.
The actual content of this site is copyrighted by me, Tom Novak 2002. So there. not to mention the fact that under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, they can't touch me. mwahaha.
Oh and thanks to Brian Clevinger for the nifty disclaimer. hehe.

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